My recent projects!

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Private Information Retrieval Research

Paper written as part of my independent research study project in Spring 2024 in my last undergraduate semester


Next.js app created to understand finite automata by visualizing a state machine. Includes a small domain specific language to allow people to visualize specific transition functions. Also launched using Netlify


React native webapp utilizing open TriviaDB api to quiz users on their trivia knowledge.

Cactus Study

React webapp utilizing ChakraUI for front end and a python backend using FastAPI, developed during the Boston Hack Beanpot Hackathon with 4 classmates in Feburary 2023.

Todo List Webapp

Django webapp which utlizes Bootstrap for front end. Allows users to register and login and create tasks. Once finished they can mark them as finished or delete them.

Data Structures

Python implimentation of Binomial Heap, Skip List, Hashmaps, and Red Black Tree data structures. Part of Northeastern's CS5800 (Graduate Algorithms) curriculum.

Image Processor

A Java app which uses Model-View-Controller setup and other object oriented principles. Part of Northeastern's CS3500 (Objected Oriented Design) class. Allows users to edit images they import through a GUI. Includes options to save and import with PPM, BMP, JPG, and PNG

Seam Carver

An image editing software created in Java that can resize photos using a liquid rescaling algorithm that incorporates Dijkstra’s algorithm. Created as a homework assignment in Northeasterns CS2510A (Accelerated Fundamentals of Computer Science) program.


A game programmed in Java using Swing and AWT. The player who is "it" after the 30 seconds are over explodes/dies. Coded for a class I was teaching in Java in highschool.

Life is Currency

A python game based on movement and falling blocks. Life is currency, also called raining life, was built using the PyGames library where users had to dodge falling blocks, but movement cost them health.


Developed the popular Wordle game in Java, and a version called Dordle, where the user guesses two words simultaneously. This project is designed with an object-oriented data design structure that allows for easy scaling into any wordle variant.